Hey can we chat?

Hey can we chat?

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024




Everything has changed in the last three weeks.

President Trump was shot on live TV, Joe Biden was ordered to drop his bid for re-election by Obama and the media elites, and Kackling Kamala Harris is the Democrat’s presumed nominee.

The entire dynamic of the 2024 election has changed.

With Biden out and a massive memory hole operation underway to sterilize every detail of Kamala Harris’s record, the Radical Left is experiencing a massive momentum shift right now.

And while I don’t trust polling anymore, I certainly don’t like what I’ve seen over the last ten days.

But today I’m writing to you about an even more immediate concern. You see, the momentum shift isn’t limited to the 2024 election. It’s happening in Congress right now, too.

Right now, Congress is on summer break.

After all, working those 4-day work weeks is tough stuff.

But while most gun owners have their eyes set on the November elections, the Democrats are hoping to come back on September 9 and ram through a massive gun control agenda!

Last week we saw an EXPLOSIVE INCREASE in cosponsors on all of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s primary gun control bills.

And every single gun control organization and activist (like David Hogg) are pounding the drum for gun control BEFORE the November elections…while they hold the White House.

I would like to think that Indiana’s Congressional delegation is unassailable. But I know better. You do, too.

Members of our own Republican delegation voted for the Democrat’s ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ agenda, we can’t take anything for granted. The stakes are just too high.

But there is a limit to how much IFC can spend pressuring our Congressional delegation, especially during an election year. I’d love to go ‘all in’ and run full programs on each of the threats we’re facing in Congress, but I simply can’t. 

That’s why I am emailing you today, so that you can tell me which fights you want IFC to engage in when Congress resumes.

So please read this entire email. And when you’re done, please fill out your IFC Congressional Threat Response Ballot IMMEDIATELY!  

It’s clear that the Left’s ultimate goal is passage of an ‘assault weapons’ ban. This legislation (H.R. 698/S. 25) already has 208 cosponsors in the House and 45 cosponsors in the Senate.

This legislation would make it a felony to buy an AR-15.

But it’s not just that. This ‘assault weapons’ ban would make it a crime to buy hundreds of similar firearms, as well. The American people would be left with hunting rifles and .22s!

That’s exactly what Biden and Harris want: a nation of serfs, unable to oppose a government that turns on them.

While this legislation contains a grandfather clause, it’s only good for one generation. That means that your grandson would never be able to inherit your rifle. It’s an obvious trap.

And don’t forget, when this legislation passed the House last Congress, there were Republicans who voted for it!

So if you think we should focus our energy on stopping the Biden/Harris ‘Assault Weapons’ ban when Congress resumes, please mark OPTION #1 “DEFEAT THE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN” on your ballot!


But this is not the only threat we are facing.

Another top-tier priority of the Biden/Harris team is passage of a national registry of gun owners — referred to as ‘Universal Background Checks.’

Democrats and the media want us to believe that this is about stopping crime, but that’s a joke. Almost every mass shooting of the last decade was carried out by someone who passed a background check.

No, this legislation has one purpose: to criminalize the private sale of firearms and give Biden a list of gun owners.

Throughout history, dictators have disarmed their people.

And that’s exactly what the Left wants to do, eventually. But before that can happen, they first need to know which Americans own guns. That’s what H.R. 715/S. 497 was designed for, to create an ever-growing list of gun owners!

And what makes this legislation especially dangerous is the number of Republicans who support it.

You see, the lead sponsor of this legislation in the House isn’t a crazy Democrat, it’s Republican Brian Fitzpatrick! And because it was filed by a Republican, it’s far easier to pass!

 The Democrats have no problem supporting GOP-sponsored gun control; that’s why 208 of them have co-sponsored the bill.

So if you think our primary focus should be stopping the Biden/Harris gun registry when Congress resumes, please mark OPTION #2 “DEFEAT UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS” on your ballot!


But perhaps the biggest threat comes from H.R. 3018/S. 247.

‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ are all the rage in Congress right now for the simple fact that a growing number of Republicans support them — something we know all about here in Indiana.

The premise behind ‘Red Flag’ laws is simple: use a claim that someone might be dangerous to get a court to order the seizure of someone’s firearms before they do something bad.

It’s a dream come true for the Biden/Harris movement.

That’s because ‘Red Flag’ laws allow the government to confiscate someone’s firearms WITHOUT having to arrest, indict, or convict that person of…anything!

For power hungry gun grabbers, passage of a national ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ law is the best of both worlds.

It allows them to seize your AR-15 (and every other gun you own) through a bureaucratic process, but because it doesn’t sound as bad as an outright ‘assault weapons’ ban, RINO Republicans will vote for it!

So if you think our primary focus should be stopping the Biden/Harris push for ‘Red Flags’ when Congress resumes, please mark OPTION #3 “DEFEAT RED FLAG GUN SEIZURES” on your ballot!


But most times, the best defense is a strong offense.

While our gun rights are facing relentless attacks in Congress these days, we also have ferocious Second Amendment champions pushing excellent legislation.

Rep. Matt Gaetz and Senator Markwayne Mullin have recently filed national Stand-Your-Ground law, and now it’s time for Indiana’s Congressional Republicans to co-sponsor this bill!   

Stand-Your-Ground law removes the requirement to retreat before you can defend yourself against a violent criminal, making it harder for a woke prosecutor to come after you.

Without Stand-Your-Ground law, you can be locked away in prison for decades for the ‘crime’ of self-defense.

While some people may have written that threat off as ‘dramatic’ in the past, the high-profile prosecutions of Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark McCloskey in 2021 changed that forever.

Sure, both Rittenhouse and McCloskey were found not guilty or were pardoned. But they went through hell, first.

And while Indiana has Stand-Your-Ground law, we are not protected if we  travel into Michigan, Illinois, or any other ‘blue’ state. This legislation would fix all of that.

The other value of fighting for this legislation is that it helps us see which ‘pro-gun Republicans’ are more than talk.

So if you think building support for a national Stand-Your-Ground law (H.R. 3142/S. 1445) should be our top priority this fall, please mark OPTION #4 “STAND-YOUR-GROUND” on your ballot!


I’m sure by now you can see why I am so torn.

Each of these fights are critical.

Each of them deserves our full attention. But each of them takes resources and we simply can’t afford to engage in each of the political fights I laid out above. We need your help.

That’s why it’s vital that you fill out your IFC Congressional Threat Response Ballot, so I know what YOU want.

And, when you do, you’ll see that I have also included another option on the ballot. I haven’t spoken about it yet, because it’s not an option without a major infusion of funds.

But, being candid, this is the option I hope you’ll choose.


Note that if you select Option #5, it’s essential that you include a generous donation, maybe even $100, to make sure IFC has the ammo we need to engage in all of these fights!

I know that’s a lot. But we’re facing greater threats than ever before. What we do over the next few months may well decide if our grandchildren still have a Second Amendment…or not.

That’s not sensationalism. That’s reality.

So if $100 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $75, $50 or at least $25?

Congress comes back into session in just a few weeks. I need to hear from you as soon as possible.

Please fill out your Response Ballot and make a generous contribution right away!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Indiana Firearms Coalition

P.S. Everything has changed in D.C. The Biden/Harris regime is going ‘all in’ on their plans for gun control, beginning the day Congress returns from summer break. I need to make some difficult decisions on where to focus our resources.

The Democrats are fired up, they feel momentum, and they want to use that to pass gun control before November!

I need to hear from you, right away.


Please fill out your Response Ballot so I know what you think, and please make a generous donation to help us fight for you!
