Oppose Senator Qaddoura’s Attack on Gun Rights in Indy!

Whereas: Senator Fady Qaddoura and his allies are filing gun control bills that are designed to crush the Second Amendment, and some moderate Republicans may go along with him; and

Whereas: Repealing Indiana’s pre-emption law would allow every city in Indiana to enact their own gun control laws, which would lead to gun registration and a repeal of concealed carry; and

Whereas: Raising the age on when Hoosiers can buy firearms would violate the Constitution and leave 20-yr old men and woman vulnerable to attacks from violent predators; and

Whereas: Banning the private sale of firearms does nothing to stop criminals, but would leave gun owners open to criminal charges and give the government a list of all of us: and

Whereas: With violent crime soaring, all you should be doing is expanding the Second Amendment!

Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on each one of these bills, or pay the price at election time! The Indiana Firearms Coalition will keep me informed on your votes.

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Indiana Firearms Coalition so that we can keep fighting for you in Indianapolis and in D.C.! Get involved at!