⚠️⚠️ Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ Gaining Ground!
In the last few days, Joe Biden’s ‘assault weapons ban’ has picked up a flurry of additional cosponsors. In fact, H.R. 698 now has an astounding 204 members supporting it! If they get to 218, Biden can ram the bill through the House. While Congressional Democrats are...
Video: Communist China Slams American Second Amendment!
These evil people know that as long as the American people are armed, we will remain free. And we’ll serve as a symbol of freedom around the globe.

SAPA Law, the 10th Amendment, and the Dorr Brothers…
Now that an Obama-appointed, lower court judge temporarily struck down Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act, the gun community nationwide is buzzing about SAPA. That’s because SAPA is far from an average gun bill. While SAPA does protect gun owners from...
Tell Your Congressman: Co-Sponsor These Two Bills!
Gun owners fired Nancy Pelosi as Speaker last year and took back the House. And we expect this new majority to actually fight for gun owners!

Report: Taliban Tracking American Sympathizers Using Gun Registration!
Taliban forces are rounding us Afghan sympathizers who helped us, using a gun registry created by our own government!
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