⚠️⚠️ Biden’s ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ Gaining Ground!
In the last few days, Joe Biden’s ‘assault weapons ban’ has picked up a flurry of additional cosponsors. In fact, H.R. 698 now has an astounding 204 members supporting it! If they get to 218, Biden can ram the bill through the House. While Congressional Democrats are...
Video: Communist China Slams American Second Amendment!
These evil people know that as long as the American people are armed, we will remain free. And we’ll serve as a symbol of freedom around the globe.

Dangerous: McCarthy Advancing Gun Control Bill in DC!
As we told you last week, despite Joe Biden attacking the Second Amendment every other day, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is doing nothing about it. McCarthy is refusing to put a gun bill on the floor for a vote. He won’t even send a pro-gun bill to committee...
Kevin McCarthy Betrays Gun Owners…Again!
What if I told you that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to bring a Second Amendment bill for a vote on the floor of the House? Or that he supported the “bump stock” ban and Dianne Feinstein’s “FIX NICS” database expansion? ALL these things are true. Quite...
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